Top 10 teaching tips for university lecturers

Teaching is one of the profession with a number of opportunities to explore, from just being a primary teacher, Secondary school, lecturer to being a professor.

It’s not as easy as its thought to be and it can be daunting, and based on your institution, the training offered to get you ready for this task may not be sufficient enough or cover all areas like university essays writing and many more. You can take your lecturing level to a new level with this top ten tips explored in this post whether you’re a long serving lecture or new to the career.

1 Accept Training as much as possible and ask advice.
Take every opportunity you get post-compulsory self with the theory and practice of post compulsory education. Remember that at some point everyone was new at some point so reach out to other faculty members for advice. The will help you understand what it means for you to be a lecturer there and give you a sense of belonging which in turn will boost your morale in teaching.

2. Have define clear goals.
Know the type of teaching you’re doing, for instance, you have an hour with your students,know the subject well and take control of your classroom. Once you have mastered your subject you can explore new ideas and show your students why you chose the topic and how you expect them to handle it.

3. Plan and prepare well.
Being prepared is always important. Make some short notes and some lesson plan. It doesn’t matter whether you’ll stick to your plan or not because now you’ll have a clear way out to present the information to your students without wasting time on unnecessary issues. Always have a back up plan.

4. Familiarize yourself with the environment.
Know your surroundings within the room for instance can you move around chairs to demonstrate a project? Or what sort of apparatus are at your disposal? Understand whether your lecture hall will favor you when it comes to having small groups.

5. Don’t be afraid of making Mistakes.
It always works to your advantage to know every answer to every question your students ask but its impossibl e to know it all. If you have no solution to a given problem,accept and offer the solution later once you have done research. Students tend to respect teachers who accept their flaws.

6. Set your Expectation High
Always remember that your students will rise to occasion and achieve the standards you’ve set for them, as long as you give them the tools and opportunity to do so.

7. Build on your own Experience.
Teaching is a learning process so its of importance to always reflect on your classroom experience. Look at what has been working for you and what hasn’t. This will help you make the best approach for the whole semester.

8. Ask for Feedback from Your students.
If your classroom is unresponsive it may be challenging to ascertain whether your subject is home, so always engage your students and ask whether they understood,or if you presented the idea well enough, and if not what would be their opinions. But be ready for their brutal honesty.

9. Don’t overdo it
Flexibility is important and don’t try to rush the syllabus but focus and getting your students grasp the concept.

10. Be confident and Have fun
It may be a challenge to stay calm, but remember being yourself and showing passion at what you do could be a great motivator to your students and a means for you to enjoy your job. Be proud and have some fun.