10 Indicators of Efficient Teaching

The quality of formal as well as informal teaching is determined by the quality of learning output, which is not easy to determine. However, the following ten indicators can be considered for measuring the success of teaching.

So, Ten indicators of efficient teaching:

i) Active involvement of students
An active involvement of students in this class is the best and foremost indicator of effective teaching. It can be achieved by calling each student by name. A brief introduction session can be good to familiarize the teachers with student background, knowledge needs, and passion.

ii) Encourage the students to question
Efficient handling and answering the questions of students also indicates the efficiency of teaching. A classroom, whether formal or informal, should be open to questioning, as it increases the activeness of students and increases their learning outcomes. In addition, handling the questions of defiant students also needs patience.

iii) Questioning the students

The lectures, which include few or several questions, urge the students to use their brains rather than memory only. The teachers, whose class remains safe for questioning, get the most output from their learning objectives. So, it is very important to make the students feel that their questioning is useful for their own learning and class.

iv) Use of real-world examples

Using real-world examples give the students a tangible and meaningful experience, which they can use to increase their knowledge and skills. Living world examples, most of the times, are not included in the books, so teachers should find good examples matching to their lecture.

v) Linking the unknown with known

Connecting the existing knowledge of the students with the contents of the lectures needs slightly greater effort. The teachers, who can establish the links, their students learn better.

vi) Follow the lecture plan

Many teachers start providing extra information to their students in their lecturers but end up missing the necessary information to be delivered. So, the lecturer plan should be realistic and justifiable.

vii) Feedback

Taking feedback from students about the quality of teaching and learning outcomes increases their trust towards teachers, as they feel more valuable that their opinion is being listened to by the teachers.

viii) Update your knowledge

If you are delivering the same information, which your learners already have, then your lecturer is going to be boring and finish much sooner than you desire.

ix) Behavior management of class

Maintaining a good teacher-student relationship is essential for effective teaching. The teachers, who inspire their class by self-examples, manage the class well. A well-behaving class indicates that each student is focused on the lecture, learning, and student activities.

x) Changing styles

Positively changing the lecturing style is another indicator of efficient teaching, as change is the only permanent thing. It indicates that the teacher is passionate and willing to give more to the students. The fresh looks of the teachers also urge the students to stay active in the class and help them focus more.

Effective teaching can be indicated by an active involvement of students, their freeness to ask the questions, intelligent brainstorming sessions by teachers, learning by real-world examples, linking the old knowledge with the new one, following the lecture plan, taking feedback from students, updating self-knowledge and changing styles.